Thursday 5 November 2009

MS - Filming 4th November - Evaluation

On the 4th November myself and Nick went and started filming for our music video. Filming went well and we got a fair amount of footage shot. Unfortunately our camera ran out of battery, this is going to be a fairly big issue as, we are doing stop motion animation using a regular digital camera rather then a DV camera. We are going to have to consider using the DV camera as it has a lot longer battery life, and we can take two batteries with and camera that we can't with a digital camera. We have also discovered the sheer size of the task we are going to take on. It took us about an hour last night to get a sequence that is about 20 seconds long.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Agreed with using the DV camera Mark! Would have been good to have used the stills camera as it would have had a higher quality look, but the amount of time it will take to edit as is immense. Looking forward to getting the camera and cracking on with the shooting!
